Voyages of Scientific Discovery with the
Mars Exploration Rovers 

William J. Clancey

Presentation at the Commonwealth Club of San Francisco

February 27, 2012


For more than eight years, scientists have been doing fieldwork on Mars, the first overland investigation of another planet. Working through programmed robotic laboratories, called the Mars Exploration Rovers, they have a virtual experience of being on Mars. The Spirit and Opportunity teams have driven over 25 miles, taken over two hundred thousand photographs, analyzed the chemistry of the terrain, and inspected rocks by grinding them and taking microscopic images. How does working remotely through a robotic laboratory change the nature of field science? How does it change the scientists? A cognitive scientist with privileged access to mission operations, Clancey explains that the “robotic geologists” are not just the rovers, but the scientists who have imaginatively projected themselves into the body of the machine.


Illustrated Script (pdf)
Audio streaming
TheTech Museum Presentation  (San Jose, CA, August 2012 on YouTube)



The Commonwealth Club of California is the nation's oldest and largest public affairs forum. It brings over 400 annual events on topics ranging across politics, culture, society and the economy to 15,000 members. The Club's weekly radio broadcast—the oldest in the U.S., dating back to 1924—is carried across the nation. The mission of the Science & Technology Member-Led Forum is to explore visions for the future.

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